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Lidix MLV-1
Lidix MLV-1 2-Pocket Denominational Currency Counter

Our fastest processing denominational currency counter does not run short on features, while meeting your desire for low cost. Holding the line on price, this exceptional machine sells for the same price as the previous model.

With simple to operate controls, the MLV-1 seamlessly fits into your way of working, allowing access to all "Modes" from a drop-down menu, making selection of a new mode, faster.

With exceptional acceptance rates, you won't spend your time dealing with rejects, but in the case of rejects, the secondary "Reject Pocket", insures that exceptions don't slow your work flow as it does with single-pocket machines.

The color display allows the display of all denominations on one screen during "Mixed Denomination" verification. The increased size of this new display allows more comprehensive results and status representation.

Only slightly larger than the previous model, the weight, speed, reliability and design would suggest a much higher price.


